Herzfeld Sennrüti, Degersheim
Student Excursion for the Seminar: Sustainability and Spirituality in Ecovillages

Students from the University of Basel had the opportunity to visit Herzfeld Sennrüti, a Swiss ecovillage counting around 90 members. The residents welcomed the group warmly for one and a half day to their home. Accompanied by ecovillage members, students engaged in activities and open exchanges around the community and spirituality. Moreover, they took part in the action day of Herzfeld Sennrüti: alongside ecovillage members students cooked, laid wires, prepared a bee pasture, built a willow hedge and a sandbox or cleaned the bicycle shed. While working, the co-workers talked about daily life in the ecovillage and personal stories and insights were shared. Experiencing what they only knew from the classroom, the students complemented and enriched their understanding of and perspective on ecovillages.
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