25 Sep 2024
18:00  - 19:30

University of Basel, Kollegienhaus Hörsaal 120


Public Lecture: Prof. Adrian Smith on "Post-automation: grassroots innovation in the Fourth Industrial Revolution"

Professor Adrian Smith (University of Sussex) will speak in this public lecture about "Post-automation: grassroots innovation in the Fourth Industrial Revolution". Click here for more information.

Post-automation: grassroots innovation in the Fourth Industrial Revolution

Adrian Smith, Professor of Technology & Society, Science Policy Research Unit, University of Sussex UK

The political and economic forces behind the Fourth Industrial Revolution are generating a powerful new wave of technological automation throughout our societies. A vision for the future is being realised that appears to leave little space for grassroots innovation. And yet across a kaleidoscope of grassroots networks an industrious class of hackers, citizen scientists, makers, activists and repairers are appropriating and subverting the technologies of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. In place of automation’s foundations in capital accumulation, managerial control, and labour productivity, these grassroots innovators are cultivating more plural relations with technology, rooted in human creativity, conviviality, and care. In this presentation we’ll discuss some examples and consider whether and how this ‘post-automation’ capacity could help to democratise our technological futures.

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